During this week’s class, we learned about photo editing and some tools we can use to do so. I had a lot of fun exploring different editing options on PowerPoint. It was really helpful to learn how to do this,… Continue Reading →
For my nature walk this week, I chose to explore Cadboro Bay Beach. I drove to the University of Victoria and walked to the beach from there. The weather was a bit cold but the sun was out, so the… Continue Reading →
This week’s class was really informative, and I learned a lot of useful information that I was not previously aware of! I found it beneficial to learn about copyright rules and gain some general knowledge about this topic. As an… Continue Reading →
My first nature exploration was a beautiful hike called Witty’s Lagoon Regional Park in Metchosin. I started the hike late in the day, so I was able to capture the gorgeous sunset! The trail itself was flat and fairly easy…. Continue Reading →
The first week of classes is over! After the first EDCI 336 class, I am feeling excited and eager to learn more about educational technology. As of right now, I have a basic understanding of technology; however, educational technologies are… Continue Reading →
I spent some time this week thinking about potential inquiry topics. The beautiful weather lately has inspired me to blog about nature walks/ hikes. I am hoping that the weather remains sunny; however, I am excited to keep up my… Continue Reading →
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