During my field experience in the fall, I was introduced to the book “Our Class is a Family,” by Shannon Olsen. This story encompasses my beliefs of a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment. I would love to share this book with my students at the beginning of the year, whether this be a PHE environment or the regular classroom. This story outlines the importance of support, being a team, having each other’s back, and helping others grow, which are all necessary components of a safe classroom environment.
As I demonstrated throughout my entire portfolio, relationships are huge to me. I think positive connections with students are extremely impactful when considering teaching and learning, and this is something I will pay extra attention to in my practice.
During my field experience, I received this card from the students in the class. The comments on the cards demonstrate that they were thankful for my help and enjoyed my presence in the classroom. I look forward to continue working on building positive relationships in the classroom throughout future practicum experiences and throughout my career!
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