KQED: Element of Line
This video explains how lines can be used in art. Also, how lines can vary and express different emotions. I would show this video to students at the upper elementary/ middle school level. I really like the point the video made that lines can interpret different emotions and how they can be used to represent things.
My Artwork
Instructions for practice activity: This activity is an introduction to the concept that lines have feelings! Use a page in your sketchbook and a pencil, crayon, or marker. Think of the following feeling words and draw a line that relates to that word:
- all at sea
- very angry
- optimistic
- frantic
- level
- Page in sketchbook
- Pencil, crayon, or marker
Here is a picture of my practice activity!

Pastel Batik: Here are the instructions for the activity along with a picture of my artwork!
- Coloured construction paper
- White chalk
- pastels
- water and paper towel
When I first saw this week’s challenge, I was not as inspired to work on it compared to other weeks. However, after starting the pastel batik activity, I had so much fun! It was a relaxing break from my homework and I really enjoyed blending the pastels. I also loved experimenting with different lines and seeing what I could create!
Critical Analysis

M.C. Escher
M.C. Escher creates art with math, symmetry, and perspective in mind. This piece of art is called “Relativity.” For a critical analysis, I would focus on talking about the different lines in this piece of art and how they trick the eye! I would use this image for an upper elementary/ middle school classroom.
Some More Resources!
“Harold and the Purple Crayon” is an excellent story to share with primary students to discuss art. It would be a great story to include for a lesson about the element of line. Furthermore, it can be used to show how your imagination can create beautiful pieces of artwork!
I also found this lesson plan that uses this story as an introduction to an art activity that focuses on using imagination. This lesson includes the element of shape, but can easily be adapted to talk about the element of line too! This lesson is great for primary students.
Extra Research!

I love the idea of introducing the element of line along with feelings (for an upper elementary classroom). It is so important to talk about emotions and lines are a great way to integrate this topic!
I also found a cool presentation on the element of line. The presentation itself is a bit mature for an elementary audience, but it can easily be adapted as it has so much great information!
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