The First Peoples Principles of Learning are nine principles created by the First Nations Education Steering Committee. They explain what the First Peoples approach to learning is, and they are incorporated throughout British Columbia’s curriculum.

Incorporating these principles in the math classroom is extremely valuable for mathematical learning experiences. These principles work to share the First Peoples perspective of learning and they can teach students important things about the First Peoples’ culture. Furthermore, connecting these principles to math assignments can help students see the purpose and intent behind the question.

Throughout my teachings, I plan to integrate the First Peoples Principles of Learning into my lessons for all subjects, including math. I also would like to explicitly connect parts of the lesson to a specific principle, similar to the connections I made during the Small Number and UNICEF Investigation (these connections are explained more in detail in the “Connections” section). I think it is really beneficial to become familiar with these principles and bring them into math lessons. It will benefit the students in so many ways, as well as bring an Indigenous perspective to their learnings!

Resource: First Nations Education Steering Committee. (n.d.). First Peoples principles of learning.×17.pdf